A few essentials
- IB Laursen
- Hamman towel with fringes
- 100% Cotton
- Dimensions W: 50 L: 100
It’s all in the details
Hamman towels are quick drying and look beautiful in the bathroom, which makes them the perfect hand towel. They are ligthweight and simple to look at.
IB Laursen are a Danish brand specialising in homeware but in our opinion, excel at the basics and utility. Beautiful linens, hamman towels, candles and those other items that make a house a home.
Mon Pote’s take on this
I always use hamman towels for hand and hair drying due to their resilience, quick drying and gentle aesthetic. If you need spare, clean towels on hand, you can roll them up and put them in a basket nearby and they take up a lot less space than ordinary towels. Keep one in your basket in the summer for clearign spills, impromtu water fights and general drying!